Файл вышивки Охота пантеры
Акция Популярный Хит
Характеристики файла
Размер дизайна, мм87х125, 152х107, 196х137 | Количество стежков16043, 20585, 28268 | Количество цветов1 |
Форматы файловart, dst, exp, hus, jef, pes, vip, vp3 |
Часть коллекции "Дикие животные" фирмы Kreations by Kara (США), которая состоит из 12 мотивов. Графичный дизайн для машинной вышивки отлично подойдёт для вышивки на футболках, куртках, сумках и других изделиях.
Скачать и купить вышивку можно в трёх размерах (см. описание).Дизайн для вышивальных машин «Охота пантеры» подойдет для различной одежды и аксессуаров.
Скачать вышивку можно после оплаты на сайте.
Параметры и формат файла указаны в характеристике дизайна.
Лицензия автора
The original copyright of these files is owned with all rights reserved by the creator of the original files.
When you purchase or download from Kreations by Kara, you are granted a single-user license of the files to create stitch outs from them.
The ownership of the design stitch files and related graphic files is retained by craftsperson that created them.
These digitized embroidery designs and graphics are protected under USA Federal Copyright Law & International Treaties.
The design and graphic files themselves, or any part thereof, cannot be sold, duplicated or shared in any way and are for use by the original purchaser/user only.
The user license covers the following uses:
The user may stitch out the designs on finished projects for personal use, gifts or resale by the original purchaser only. If the finished project items or stitch-outs are displayed for sale online or in a physical location (store), credit to the digitizer and link to www.kreationsbykara.com is required.
You may use the designs up to 25 each on items for resale at craft/sewing fairs or to sell in cottage industry.
This licensed does not cover mass production without additional permissions.
Transference of these files to any other person or group is strictly prohibited.
You may not lend, give or sell the files to anyone else EVER. You may not change, add to, delete parts of, or alter the files and then call them your own.
You cannot send them via email or by any other method to another embroiderer to be split or changed in any way.
Kreations by Kara may allow you to stitch out the designs in commercial use with a special license purchased from Kreations by Kara. To inquire about this license contact Kara via email.
Технические характеристики Файл вышивки Охота пантеры
Характеристики дизайна
Размер дизайна, мм | 87х125, 152х107, 196х137 |
Количество стежков | 16043, 20585, 28268 |
Количество цветов | 1 |
Форматы файлов | art, dst, exp, hus, jef, pes, vip, vp3 |
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